As you design your office, you have tons of creative freedom to make it look however you want.

Here’s a tip on how to use our Grouping/Instancing function to improve performance in your new office.

It is important to note that you need to both Group AND Instance your new office, so make sure to follow both steps in this article to ensure performance. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Step 1) Grouping

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Step 2) Instancing

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First go to Edit mode.

Then Select the objects you want to group by holding down the shift key as you select more items. Each item will illuminate as you select it.

Once you have selected the items to be grouped together, click Group, then save (green circle with the check mark) across the top of your screen.

Once items have been Grouped and selected, look for Optimization on your right hand toolbar, and select Instance.

Once Instance has been selected, click save (green circle with the check mark) across the top of your screen.